Cinema Drive creates a real-world experience for high school students new to driving. The program centers around three young adults and how their decisions made during the course of one night changes their lives forever. Students tag along with the characters as they face peer pressure, make poor decisions and ultimately suffer the consequences of their decisions. Cinematic storytelling and multi sensory technology bring to life the dire consequences of speeding, driving while texting and driving under the influence. Students immerse themselves in cutting edge “edutainment” that engages them, teaches them and changes them. Through an innovative experience more memorable than a typical classroom lecture, students open their minds to critical decision-making that protect them and their communities. A follow-up six week web and mobile experience extends the learning and the impact to create lasting change.


Impact Reaserch

Cinema Drive, a teen driver safety program, is a scientifically grounded, engaging, and interactive media experience. The Center for Injury Research and Prevention at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) assist the PA Highway Safety Office to determine the value of this program. The analysis of this objective in-school data available from Cinema Drive (LCE), was used to rational the enhancements recommendations for the Highway Safety Plan.
How important is wearing a seat belt in the back seat?
Before the show 41% thought it is not important to wear seat belts in the back seat, while after the show, 61% of this high- risk group has changed thier attitude. Only 16% maintain a risky attitude toward not wearing seat belts.
How dangerous is it to drive without a license?

Unlicensed driving was commonly reported among the respondents. 76% thought it is not
dangerous to drive without a license. After the show, this percentage decreased by 49%. This high risk group has shrunk to 39% who still undermine these risks.
How dangerous is it to text while driving?
46% thought that texting and driving is not dangerous. After the show, we see a decrease in the percentage of students who think that texting while driving is not dangerous. This high-risk group shrank by 50% . 23% still lessen these risks.
Students say:
Students in the USA and Israel expressing their toughts about the program.
“Effective in getting the massage across….not texting and driving not drinking and driving…..Cinema Drive will prevent future accidents” , Student, 12th grade NC
“It will Impact me for the rest of my life, I would not want to go through these things, it heartbreaking”
Student, 11th grade, NC
“I learned that even a small amount of Alcohol can make a difference for a driver” (Male 12th grade NC)
“It made me think about the risk more then other programs….Cinema Drive displays it better” (Male 9th grade, NC)
"The social aspect of driving was very powerful as well as the audio part." (Male, 11th grade, Israel).
"I learnt about other teenagers that are willing to risk their lives for the right pose, to be considered cool." (Male, 11th grade, Israel).
"I learnt that girls could influence boys who drive irresponsibly." (Female 11th grade, Israel).
Teachers Say:
Teachers openly expressing their views praising the program.
"It takes the student one step further, it is informative and enjoyable… student can visualize “
“ Student kept talking about it even after they left the show..."
“It is better then anything I saw… the interaction, the competition..”
In Israel the staff wish and believe their school will continue participating in the program in the future.
Experts Say:
“The program is exciting and creates much interest as well as a spontaneous dialog….We believe the program can continue
developing and as such, to reach more significant results over time.“( Mishtanim Research Institute Israel)
"Intentions for behaviors, a strong precursor to behavior change, were noted most strongly in the role of students in stopping others from performing unsafe driving behaviors.... after viewing the Cinema Drive program reported intentions to refrain from unsafe driving behaviors rather than to continue them." (CHOP)